How to Compose a Job Posting

A well-composed job posting is the first touch point between your organization and potential candidates. It’s your first opportunity to present your company’s culture and values. A good job posting can draw attention to the job and your company, leading to higher quality applications and interviews.

Alongside describing the job, and describing the qualifications that are required, the qualifications, experience and preferred qualifications A well-written job description should also include information about your hiring process from beginning to finish. This will ensure that both you and the candidate are on the same page regarding what you expect from them. It also helps to avoid the possibility of ghosting or drop-off in a candidate and also a more efficient, fair hiring process for all parties involved.

Use a clear, direct language that is easy to read for any type of audience. Avoid jargon or cliches which could confuse or deter potential candidates. It’s also important to use job postings as an opportunity to promote and encourage your diversity initiatives, so be sure the language you use does not restrict any group of people.

Make sure to mention key try here benefits and perks when posting your job. If your company offers free lunches, an awesome office with a view, or allows flexible work hours, it is worth including these in your job descriptions as they could swing a candidate’s favour over an opponent. It’s also a good idea to include any volunteering opportunities or community involvement that your company is involved in since it is something that a lot of prospective employees will look for when deciding which company to join.